Ariff was quite keen on the Spiderman whereas Amir has his eyes on the Transformers book however both had not enough money to buy either one. They knew about these books after a visit to BORDERS (The Curve) and Popular Bookstore (Ikano) plus they actually remember how many books under the said titles which are wrapped and unwrapped. I guess they actually plan to buy the books sooner or later and hopefully the stock is still available.
A week before, I told my siblings that I’ll be buying lots of graphic novel/manga at MPH Bookstore 1U because of the members’ sale somewhere this week. Arif who remembered my words told Amir “How about we ask our big bro to buy for us since there is a discount at MPH”. On the same day somewhere after dinner time, they told me about the books and it somehow sparks an interest especially the Transformers book.
The following day, I searched for the ISBN numbers (a habit of mine) so that I could check whether the book is available at MPH 1U. With the numbers written on my post-it, I called the customer service ask about the books. I was informed that the books were not available and it made me a bit sad as I have to buy the books somewhere else without the discount rate (hahaha…stingy me). Yet lady luck was on my side when Amir told me that he saw the two books at MPH 1U while window shopping with his friends. If you think back, is kinda weird that my lil bro saw the book but the customer service person said the book was not available. Sigh…..
Yesterday was the first day among five days that MPH will have its member’s sale in conjunction with the year-long MPH Centennial Celebration. At about 5.00 PM, I left the office and went straight to MPH 1U with the budget in my wallet and a checklist in my hands. My budget was RM300 and I checked the list of any graphic novel or manga that I don’t have through my excel spreadsheet last night (efficient eyy!!).
The first bookshelf I visited is where the ultimate guide books located and there it was fully wrapped (in plastic of course) ready to be taken home. Next stop would be the comics section is where all the books I need and planned to buy according to my checklist. Browsing through every row from top to bottom, I realise the only title available was Bleach from volume one to twelve. I was not disappointed yet was satisfied even though other titles were not on the shelf (is just plain me). I took out seven volumes from the twelve and brought it to the counter together with the ultimate guides. This is the first time I’m buying nine books at one go and it felt funny for awhile.
Back at home, presented the Spiderman book to Ariff and was asked how much he owes me for it. I surprise him by saying this is your late birthday present and he gave his normal facial expression between happy and moody (hmmmm). His birthday was actually two days ago and I was suppose to give him cash as a present but I forgot about it till he mention about the book (gee whiz!). The Transformers book will be shared by all but custodian will be me and only me (kedekut!?).
After a nice dinner, a cold shower, two hours of sleep, woke up, get myself a drink downstairs, straight away read the books, ended up sleeping at 3.00 in the morning.
Gilerrr!! = P
*Keep receipt for tax and points purposes...I must.