Monday, August 14, 2006

Tanggal tiga puluh satu, bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh.....

Browsing through one of my friends' blog, an interesting post caught my eye and decided to try out the quiz. And the results are.....

Yikes! Am I truly a Malaysian or a foreigner from an unknown land...hehehe. Answered all questions with me being myself and it clearly shows my true nature. I'm guessing that to obtain a higher score, I have to think like a Malaysian which answers leads to we say...more negative attitude. So I tried it out again with that Malaysia Boleh mindset....

I wasn't that surprise because I knew the score would go higher base on my assumption. Anyway quizzes are made for us to enjoy our daily life and let's accept it with an open mind and perception. =)

Here's the link if you want to try it out yourself.

If people ask, do you know our Merdeka date and the exact time (as in ke berapa), for surely I can answer it accurately and thanks to our late Sudirman song...a legend amongst the Malaysian legends.

*Hmmm..could the max score be 40 or 50...hmmmm

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