This morning I had a short meeting with the creche supervisor and my big boss. We discussed on certain issues and no headaches were created later. What a relieve!
Blood Donation day today at the S* and as usual I will bring out my little red book from the deep corners of my drawer. This book has a record of how often I donate blood to the 'Tabung Darah Negara' and I've never brought out this book from my workplace. And most of the donation happens in the S* itself.
Went to the Exhibition Hall to check out the crowd and saw Syeda, Farah and Jo (lying down ready to donate her mean blood). I've thought of asking Syeda to donate blood the same time with me but then again I was too I knew if I were to go through the screening procedure they will tell me to take breakfast first and come back in 20 minutes. I haven't had any meal so as expected I went to 'tapau' my breakfast and ate at my cubicle.
Emailed Syeda to tell her my intentions this morning, to my surprise she herself need to take breakfast and come back later for the blood donation. We agreed to meet up at the hall at about 10.21 am.
It was time to donate and as I arrive Syeda was already in the queue of people waiting to donate their life..I mean blood. Register was easy as stated below:
- Fill up the form and a card (the card is only for first timers or without the red book). I myself am a regular doner so no card for me.
- First step of screening, they will check your blood type by making a very tiny miny wound to the flat surface on one of your fingers. Just a fast and short pinch with an antiseptic needle. Don't worry about the pain, is a short moment and you don't need to scream actually..hahaha. They will press the finger to bring out a lil blood so that they take it via some tool and do some test. I found out from my colleague who organizes the donation drive that if the blood drop sinks in the blue liquid at a fast rate it means no donation for the person today. This blue liquid is contained in a transparent container located just next to the tester guy. Asked my colleague why and her answer was "Dunno"...
- Next would be the blood pressure, if its too high they will tell you to take a rest for 10-20 minutes and come back later. Mine was a bit high and they doctor gave me a 'green light' to proceed.
- Now the data entry part, the lady behind the laptop silently types in information as I pass her my form. The only words she said was "Sila teruskan"....
- Ermm..I think i may have make this post too long so lets make it short.
- Sat on chair, fold up sleeve, check for blood veins, apply 'cool' liquid with cotton, insert needle and the blood flows.
Completed the donation procedure and the nurse ask me whether I have any headaches and I said no. The nurse beside her asks her if I'm alright since I look pale. So to make certain I won't faint they arrange my sitting position that my legs were facing upwards while I rest.
As usual they will put a plaster on my wound and advice me to have some refreshments (standard procedure I presume). I have been donating blood for five times in S* since 2004 and I've never had a minor experience of paleness, sitting with leg upwards a bit and a 'lebam' at my arm. Hehehe wanna see the pic after I pulled out the plaster....

A - Is the spot where they put the needle.
B - The 'lebam' which will be gone in 2 weeks or less
And the end of it all, theres nothing to be worth worrying about. No death's, no screams, no yelling...and whatever you can think of can happen during a blood donation session. The doctors and workers are professional at what they do and they will know if you are eligible to be a donor. Last advice is of course to never ever...ever...ever lie to yourself when filing up the form.
Careless mistakes you might take it lightly but puts a heavy burden on the blood receiver.
soooo doing it again! loving it! :)
(tho still cant look when the nurse poke the needle in my skin)
i've never donated blood before but there's just never a right place and a right time. i'm so keen on doing it! i've been teaching myself to brave needles over the past couple of years, and i can finally look without flinching. :P
but i have really low blood pressure... is that a bad thing?
Ayak! can't donate blood if you have low blood pressure..sowee :(
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