Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Round-Up Please - Work

It has been alright so far with constant meetings, hectic schedules and demanding deadlines. Well at least some of it is due to involved parties who are somehow rather precise or just being their own vain self.

Remember my post on the flag, it is finally up and it took about 14 manpower and 4 hours to complete such task. Here are some pics that I took before my handphone battery ran out.

The flag stretched out about 10 feet before any ropes or hooks were placed.

Workers insert pvc pipes into the top part of the flag to act as a backbone.

The 'backbone' acts as solid tool for the ropes to cling on rather than having a torn flag after a windy weather.

Every possible area were to be tied tightly.

And the flag is finally up.

Actually I have the flag picture without the trees blocking but then again nothing special about it. You can just imagine how good was the teamwork among them, is like a row of fisherman pulling their net out from the sea with one voice. This kind of team spirit do blend well among my colleagues however certain higher ranking ones have their own kind of territory and personal backstabbing agendas.

Soooo drama......


Anonymous said...

oh, i just missed SC *sob*

Anonymous said...

Haiyo! Dah ada GF tapi belum update blog lagi...